I had a great time selling for the first time in ...who knows how long but it has been a long time! It was nice to get out there and talk to the people again and show off some new stuff. Unfortunately NO one bought a snake shirt, though I did have some good looks at the new shirt (that I personally love...ha). I had a grea belgian waffle, met some new vendor friends, and even was able to use a tent from the North Market for free! Thanks so much North Market, and Casey from Carmacazzi for letting me grab his spot (awesome spot by the way right next to the front stairs). Other news, I got into Independent's Day 09 wooohee, I am excited about this event held right downtown in Columbus. This day is all about Independents (hence the kinda confusing July 4th title) it is the day for Independents (the adjective..not the noun..or wait...is it a noun? damn) and it celebrates the great individual spirit of Columbus by bringing all the hard working musicians, artists, crafters, bloggers, computer people, and creative class together for one big party. Consider it Comfest without as many hippies,,,but they are welcome too! The Andy Shaw Band also got in as a performing act so you will get a double dose of me. That means I will need some people to help out at my booth so let me know if ya want to. I will have pictures up as soon as I find my bro's camera from North Market. Thanks again to all who came out to support Bootleg!
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