What is Gocco? Well, it is a little home printer made by the Japanese. It is kind of like screen printing except no squeegees are involved. Also, the printing area (on the model we used) is only about 4in x 6in. So you have an image on black and white paper, put it under the screen, press down over the screen with the flashbulbs (kinda like an old camera) and that light exposes the image onto the screen and then you have a stencil on that screen, then you put ink on the screen and press down again (with paper underneath) and you have a print. That is a simple explanation (or complicated with my scatterbrained-ness) but I think you get the idea. They stopped making Gocco printers in Japan even though the demand in America is really big right now, you can get them on ebay and what not but some people are trying to get the manufacturer to start making them again. Anyway, my friend Jessie B (sorry, the spelling of your last name is not coming to me right now) and I did a little Gocco printing with a design I did last night. It was kind of a test run and we are planning on collaborating on something in the future, for now, here are some pics of what we did. Also, Jessie heads up a little thing called Wild Goose Creative and they hold different events involving theater, cooking workshops, music, and everything under the sun really! I have not been to an event but plan on going to the next one. Check out their blog/website
Cool- I always wanted to try Gocco but was worried I wouldn't be able to find one / or supplies since I heard it was not being made anymore.
Hooray for gocco! It was a lot of fun to make some prints together. Looking forward to the next time!
Fun times!! I got a Gocco for Christmas, but I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet. My brother brought one for me from Japan (he's the best brother an art chick could have). I think the company is actually making them again, as he said that all the art & craft stores carry them there.
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