Whether it is at a church, a local knitting club, or a random meeting of people, community is great..and I suggest if you are not involved in any kind of community (what are you crazy?) than go do it now..ha! I luckily have been involved with many communities and it is really nice. After you graduate school (especially if you are an artist) it sometimes is hard to be inspired. I am lucky enough to be in lots of communites (sorry for over use of the word) I started playing a weekly church gig and I have only been to one service and the people are so nice. I don't consider myself religious at all and it is funny because the bass player (a great musician friend named Chad) is Jewish, the guitar player (another great friend Spencer) is reading up on Ghandi and a lot of alternative religions, I was told the other few people were agnostic and possibly budhist, so it was just hilarious playing at a lutheran service with this group of people. The music was actually pretty rockin too..wow no more Catholic masses for me! It helps to have Chad and Spencer (as well as the other musicians) playing with me. Anyway, back to the community, it's great. So I went to Junctionview Studios tonight for Pecha Kucha (PeCHA-ka-CHA) and it was great. If you don't know about it go to this website http://www.pecha-kucha.org/columbus-ohio/ that links you to the C-Bus page. People coming together to present something...just about anything with 20 seconds for each slide and maybe 20 slides or so. I always learn a lot going to these things and feel a great sense of community. This whole Indie Art Capital of the World I think is bringing a lot of buzz to Junctionview too, these events seem to keep getting bigger. So Bootleg news? Wow my appartment is just a mess getting lots of wristbands, prints, and shirts done. Working on a hoodie, and some framed silkscreen prints with metallic ink. Wow, just so much going on. How is everyone out there? Anyone read this? Here is a link to my flickr page for some pics (not a lot) of PECHA KUCHA! http://www.flickr.com/photos/13833349@N02/
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