ooh check out my new shirt! :) it was purchased from KarmaLoop and is a shirt from Beautiful/Decay (which is a magazine if I am not mistaken)
Friday, December 28, 2007
new shirt
ooh check out my new shirt! :) it was purchased from KarmaLoop and is a shirt from Beautiful/Decay (which is a magazine if I am not mistaken)

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Check It

X-mas, work, girlfriend, band, ahh. So X-Mas is here in two days and I am so close to being done with stuff. Not stressing because of mall crowds or long lines but just cuz we decided to do "one gift" for everyone this year. I always try to give a lot of thought to each gift and I usually end up doing like one thoughtful gift and two small things to kind of soften the blow if you will, hoping that something in that combo of things I give will hit a certain special spot. So I quote the words one gift cuz I think I am just going to do that like I always do, rather then try to kill myself getting something "perfect" cuz we all know there is no such thing as the perfect gift. I should be comfortable with that and just do one gift, but I think I might just do one really thougtful and one not so thoughtful, hah. Anyway I am now just venting. Check out my Etsy page I uploaded some stuff up there, let me know what is up peoples! I am excited for the new year and new things to come, oh and X-Mas I already have gotten some great stuff so I am not even worried about it. YAY :) Oh here is a pic I found on my computer of my wristband in action. (Bobby our bass player rocking the hamburger wristwear)
Monday, December 17, 2007
friends, being sick, new stuff posted
Lots of stuff going on. I met with Jessie Boettcher for lunch at Betty's (mmmm) the other day and we talked about her endeavors with Wild Goose Creative. They are looking in Clintonville to build a community arts center, and I am all about it! Check out the website for more info. I look forward to collaborating with Jessie and being more involved with Wild Goose because all I hear from her are things I want to be a part of! We are getting together to do some Gocco printing in January so I am excited about that! Well, I am sick, that's fun..not much there just that it sucks cuz I have three gigs this week (andyshawband.com check it) and my throat doesn't like it when I try to sing with the flem and nast. Ruby's tonight (19th and summit) for Andy Shaw Band..quick plug. I am posting a bunch of stuff today on Etsy too, through out the day so check back often, I am going to see what times are better for posting (or am attempting to see) and if anyone knows a good time to post, let me know. X-mas shopping? ha..I need to get on that shite. Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, Andy Statmiller, here is a pic of the piece I bought from him at CCAD Art Sale. PEACE
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I am working on some Ohio tees, I want them to be different then ones I have seen. I really like some of the stuff people are doing with the shape of our state and I want to join in. Usually I am the one that wants to go the opposite but this time I am in on it. Civic pride is the new black, right? Ha. I was on Adam Brouillette's (hard name) page and found a link to this guy's website and it is sweet. Here are a few pics of some stuff I found that was cool.
Monday, December 10, 2007
CCAD Art Sale
PHEW!! wow, long weekend but a great one. I can now afford to grocery shop, hah..but seriously I was hungry. CCAD Art Sale was great, thanks for all who came out and supported me and my Bootleg dreams! I got some sweet stuff too from other artists such as Andy Stattmiller His mom bought a shirt from me and told me about him and how he lives in California doing art. His sister was there selling her art and his so I bought a print on canvas of one of his illustrations, great stuff! Also, I met Jess Lacava I think at last years winter CCAD Art Sale and we always run into each other at these things and Floorwalkers shows. Anyway, she started making tees, and they are great! I was very impressed with her hand dyed American Apparel tees with the sweet original Ohio pride art..I will have a pic soon of the shirt I traded with her (she got a sign language tank from me) Now I think it is time to get some new designs out on new and better quality tees, maybe do some collaborations with other artists (let me know if you are interested), ship some orders out, work on my etsy shop, get some of my shirts in more boutiques, and get lots of other work done as well..sounds fun eh? Oh yeah, and I need a part time job, anyone want to hire me? I am good at things.
Friday, December 7, 2007

Ok so I said "new shits" in my previous post. Apparently no one reads this cuz SOMEone woulda caught that, hah. I meant SHIRTS...jeeze. I am leaving it there just for humor sake. I got pics from the North Market sale (not that many) and I am working on some new wristbands for tomorrow at CCAD (info to the right..or google it) Found some sweet houndstooth fabric on a skirt at a thrift store and am making some new wristbands with it, I love houndstooth....it's so "in" right now too, lucky for me. Hope to see y'all tomorrow, and I hope I have enough work to sell. North Market kinda cleaned me out, I do have a bunch new paintings and framed prints I hope to get ready as well. Oh and that last picture up there is from Clint Reno (bought it at North Market) Clint is badass and can be seen and heard over at GalaxyReno. I think his blog is posted to the right on my page, if not I'll post it. Peace out y'all!
Monday, December 3, 2007
North Market
A great day at the North Market, thanks for all who came out and purchased some goods. One of the tees that sold the most was the "What Big Eyes You Have" tee which is very much new and one of my favorite new shits. I was kind of afraid people didn't like it, but it's catching on. The fox tee is always popular and I am almost out. I think I am going to do some more prints on a little higher quality tees (and do some girl ones as well) any suggestions for girlie color combos? Light blue shirt with black fox print..i dont know? I will post some pics when I get my camera up and running, I was only able to take like 2 before it ran out of batteries (D'OH) so they might not even be good. I did buy an EXCellent print from Clint over at Galaxy Reno (blog link to your right) man..I am excited about that. More soon.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
fun times
Go see live music, I have said it before, it is just important that I tell you again. Not only is the music great (the Floorwalkers..every Wednesday at Ruby's) but the people. I mean, the people are just great, I love them..all of them. More dancing, that is the only thing that was needed, it takes too long for people to get the courage to dance. So North Market is coming up and I am semi ready. I have enough stuff and everything I just want to get my table set up better looking, we will see. I just found (actually SHE found ME) Miss Megan Mac on myspace. Megan had a table across from me at Tiny Canary and is a delightful woman. She makes these beautiful scarves and woven tapestries (is the right spelling?) So North Market this weekend, say hey to me and purchase some great xmas/hannukah/whatever you want gifts! :) Oh and here is Miss Megan Macs blog.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So I made some Hanukah (Hanukkah? Chanukah?) cards today. They have a bird on them with a little yarmulka (yamaka? yalmeke?) jeeze, spelling is hard. Check 'em out on my Etsy page.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Crafty Cotillion meeting tonight. Anytime there are free brownies, a gift exchange, and good discussion I am in. Well the gift exchange didn't happen tonight but we all took names to do one at the crafty party which will be...oh I put it in my phone and its dead, so December a Thursday at some point. I'll get back to you on that. People tonight were talking about community and such and I just want people to know that there are things going on in Columbus. A bunch of good websites to see and hear about things are well, listed on my blog..jeeze. Columbus Underground is awesome and blogs are always good (you knew that, you are reading one) The Indie Art Capital link I have is great which is a Wiki so anyone can add (even you!) I think people like Walker Evans (actually I KNOW) are great because they seem to really be living the change they want to see (Gandhi anyone?...look it up) Also Mike Reed from Junctionview so look up them and you will find some action going on. Junctionview itself is a great place to see things happening as well. Sorry, now I am just rambling but I felt like I heard nay-saying tonight and that things weren't happening in Columbus and I know that is just not true, you gotta do your homework people! We are not there yet, but we have come a long way and people need to be recognized. Also, about the Gandhi thing, he said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." I think that is such a profound quote. If you are complaining, then you know something is wrong, if you do not then choose to do anything about it, then how is it ever going to change? You have power, just figure out how to use it, or don't complain. If you lose, or you fail, at least you know you tried. Ok, I think I am done ranting. North Market Craft Extravaganza this weekend! I will have new t-shirts (hopefully) and am working on holiday cards and some paintings (maybe I will sell them there, not sure). Please come out to that, and leave comments please! :)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tiny Canary YAY Photos!

Phew, lots of photo uploading and tagging and all that jazz. Tiny Canary was awesome thanks for all who came out and purchased some stuff (did I already say that?) well, again...thanks! I uploaded more pics on my flickr page so check it out! I will hopefully see yall back again at North Market in a few here!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Tiny Canary!
Fun times at Tiny Canary! Thanks for all who came out and purchased some Bootleg products! My camera is actually in my dad's van so I will post pics as soon as I retrieve it....just wanted to say thanks to everyone!
Friday, November 16, 2007
community is great

Whether it is at a church, a local knitting club, or a random meeting of people, community is great..and I suggest if you are not involved in any kind of community (what are you crazy?) than go do it now..ha! I luckily have been involved with many communities and it is really nice. After you graduate school (especially if you are an artist) it sometimes is hard to be inspired. I am lucky enough to be in lots of communites (sorry for over use of the word) I started playing a weekly church gig and I have only been to one service and the people are so nice. I don't consider myself religious at all and it is funny because the bass player (a great musician friend named Chad) is Jewish, the guitar player (another great friend Spencer) is reading up on Ghandi and a lot of alternative religions, I was told the other few people were agnostic and possibly budhist, so it was just hilarious playing at a lutheran service with this group of people. The music was actually pretty rockin too..wow no more Catholic masses for me! It helps to have Chad and Spencer (as well as the other musicians) playing with me. Anyway, back to the community, it's great. So I went to Junctionview Studios tonight for Pecha Kucha (PeCHA-ka-CHA) and it was great. If you don't know about it go to this website http://www.pecha-kucha.org/columbus-ohio/ that links you to the C-Bus page. People coming together to present something...just about anything with 20 seconds for each slide and maybe 20 slides or so. I always learn a lot going to these things and feel a great sense of community. This whole Indie Art Capital of the World I think is bringing a lot of buzz to Junctionview too, these events seem to keep getting bigger. So Bootleg news? Wow my appartment is just a mess getting lots of wristbands, prints, and shirts done. Working on a hoodie, and some framed silkscreen prints with metallic ink. Wow, just so much going on. How is everyone out there? Anyone read this? Here is a link to my flickr page for some pics (not a lot) of PECHA KUCHA! http://www.flickr.com/photos/13833349@N02/
Monday, November 12, 2007
crafters and beer
so Andy Shaw Band (i play drums there) is going to start playing in December every Monday at Ruby Tuesday on Summit (1978 Summit St. on campus...the BAR not the restaurant!) and we are thinking about doing a rotating craft type thing, maybe 5 crafters a week. Anyone interested/think this will actually work? I would love to do this sort of thing, get people out and December would be a good month to do it since its before the holidays, maybe the second monday we play, its pretty short notice, we could start in Jan. if we are still playing (crossing fingers) They are basically letting us do what we want with the night, I think they might even open up the basement! Would your friends come out for some Monday night beer and crafts?? There might be like a tiny entry fee but maybe not. comments? questions? suggestions? bring it on!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007

This is what I am thinking with the color, now the green i already have might be a bit darker then this pic so it might not work right. Anyway, any suggestions? I might just try it and see if it works. These are going to be very limited so I might do two colors to make them more special but I don't want to hurt the design..hmm. In other news, my band (Andy Shaw Band) is going to start playing at Ruby's on Summit (Ruby Tuesday..its a bar people, not the restaurant) every Monday in December and we are whipping up a plan to do like a weekly crafter thing there possibly,,,its in the works, it MIGHT not happen but we're hoping! :) Also, if you are in Grandview you can check my bro and me out at Old Bag o Nails in Grandview every Wednesday from 7-10pm so check it out we do folky stuff, beatles covers, damien rice, and originals and I play my fiddle. Not much going on with Bootleg at the second. More later?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
ooh, yay

I have a Canon Powershot A530, any tips on using it? I took a whole bunch o pictures today (including the ones above) and got some really good ones by just fooling around but I wasn't really paying attention to the settings. My problem is I usually end up getting ok shots and fixing them in photoshop where I want to get really good raw shots like the one on the left above where I don't have to fool with color later. At some point I am going to really study the manual but for now I have done pretty well with little reading of it. So in other news, printed some t-shirts the other night. They are mens light yellow shirts with an aqua-ish green color print and I am thinking about doing another color on top of the same print with a grayish purple, it looks really cool on screen but I like how they look now. Any suggestions? keep them how they are or add another color?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays!
Ha, I love Office Space and actually its a good Monday for me, lots 'o' stuff going on. Did anyone catch the show at Junctionview this weekend besides me? Well, my band (Andy Shaw Band) played and it was really cool, lots of awesome people live painting and good music. Unfortunately I had to leave early but I was able to come back and see the murals pretty much finished and they looked great. Jeremy Nichols (Raskoe) and Chris Semer were there and I always love their work. Jeremy's myspace is myspace.com/jeremyraskoe And Chris' page is myspace.com/ScadNewt It mighta been cuz it was early but there weren't many people out which was dissapointing, not sure how much promotion was done for the show, nonetheless a great example in my opinion of the Indie Art Capital of the World that we have been deemed. There is art going on you just gotta find it, and its great art! Anyway, posted some new stuff on etsy check that out and keep it real till the next time. (like is said, maybe i just missed the crowd,, was anyone there or did you hear about the show?)
Friday, November 2, 2007
right now
made some "holiday" cards (pic below) updated etsy a bit (link to your right) trying to get this blog thing up and going, if you are actually reading this and have a blog let me know the name so i can link you up on here. that is if your blog is appropriate and doesn't include lots of posts about your love of eating small children (or large ones..more fat, i know). in the process of making some watercolor thank you cards to put on etsy (possibly) would anyone buy them? eh?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
spikedrivers, tiredness, and omelets
go see the spikedrivers, they are really good, if you did not see them at skullys last night for halloween you are quite possibly mentally ill. omelets are tasty, and even better when made in brand new frying pans just purchased at target..mmm. i have been staying at my girlfriend's and getting up to take her to work, then i go home and its a lot earlier than i usually wake up and im really awake so i get all fired up for the day then i crash cuz i realize i only slept like 5 hours or something and then its hard to get back into it after that so that sucks. it helps when people order stuff from etsy or my website which has been happening so if you are reading this, for my well being, order stuff! :) really i think i just need to get more sleep, but doing the whole false wake up and then go back to sleep while u have already been up for a few hours is fucking me up. well, for today that is all, go see the spikedrivers, they are really good, did i say that already?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
my eyes hurt
ok so man..lots of online stuff myspace, etsy, blogging, flickr, my own website (www.ilovebootleg.com) ahh..can keep you busy for days! I just found this--> http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1410/1392704354_bfe31e4be3.jpg?v=0 <-- on Patrices' flickr page..so I thought I'd post it. I hope that link works! :)
I guess this is a blog?
I think a good name for it would be BootLog...ha. So I have never done a blog before and I thought, other people are doing it, I should too! Similar to the time I took a trip to the Golden Gate Bridge, it was arduous (the six months of rehabilitation) but damn sure worth it! So I will try to update this with cool things and keep you entertained and up to date with what is going on with Bootleg. Right now I am gearing up for some shows such as Tiny Canary and the North Market Holiday Craft Extravaganza which I will attempt to post on here. There was a Craft Catillion meeting last night at Surly Girl which was great and Amy from Sweet Stella Designs (Check out HER nifty blog http://www.sweetstella.blogspot.com/) was there and was really kinda heading up the meeting, nice work! I really love her stuff too bad most of it is like earings and what not. Hey Amy, make some...guy stuff? Well, this is my attempt at a BootLOG..how was it?
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