So I want to upload some of these on Flickr so I don't have to upload all on the blog but I can not remember my Flickr account name or password, I tried the whole "email me my name" thing but it was like, we don't have an account under this email...could it be under my ancient hotmail account? ugh...why can't I just sign on to Flickr and it be signed on for eternity, it signs me on for like two weeks and then signs me off so if I don't check it within that time or something yeah...well boo Flickr. so North Market was fun times, next month will be better for me cuz I will be more prepared, sorry people I did not have a lot of new stuff. I met some new people and I hope that they had a good sale! Oh by the way, Elvis Costello was there, he loved my t-shirts and bought out all of them...oh wait, I just woke up, but seriosuly Elvis was there! (his pic is tucked in there with the rest of the "normal folk") ha..I felt like a stalker photographing him through those bars but I didn't want to go up to him, I am sure that gets old. He was opening for the Police that night in C-Bus...sweet.