So a lot has been going on, I will try to simplify it in list form.
1. "BLIZZARD OF '08" - I love local news, but hey this time they were right it did snow a whole heck of a lot and I was at my girlfriends just snowed in, it was a good time, no Bootleg action that day except maybe checking out craft blogs and searching etsy.
2. New Screens - I finally got my screen set up including two task lights equipped w/150 watt bulbs and I found a window downstairs from my landlord (shh) that works perfectly for keeping my transparencies flat on the screen while I burn the images to it. So new screens with sweet designs, woot let's hope they work out well, still working on my screen burning skills.
3. City Sampler - Designed a promo card for the Columbus City
Sampler which is gonna be sweet. Also a sticker which is pictured above. I managed to somehow get my samples to Wholly Craft on time as well (pictures above) I did 10 wristbands so let's hope some people like my free hard work!
4. Lots of Music - I played last week at Monday at Ruby's (every monday) Wednesday practice, Thursday Claddagh Irish pub with my brother, Friday at Club Diversity on South High, Saturday at Rumba, thanks to all who came out they all were very good shows...man I am tired! Start it all over tomorrow at Ruby's! :)
5. Birthday - Oh yeah it was my birthday last Wednesday. My dad got this cake from the French Loaf in Grandview...if you have not had their cakes you literally have not lived. Got some much needed money and my drum throne I have been waiting for since December finally came in and my butt is very grateful.
6. New Niece - My sister just got back from Africa, yes Africa. My new 5 year old niece Hanna from Ethiopia is now in the states! Wow, crazy..I just realized too that my grandma is now a great grandma of a deaf Ethiopian, she is so cute I will have to post pictures soon.
7. New Wristbands - Above are some pics of these new wristbands I am working on. I had a bunch of strips of fabric from former wristband designs and just stuff I wasn't using and I decided to sew them all together and make some multi colored semi recycled wristbands. They are going to be sweet, most of my wristbands from now on (if not all) will be from all recycled materials.
8. Umm - Could anything else be going on? Oh yeah, working at Polaris (zpets bitches), having a girlfriend (which is great by the way!), trying to hang out with friends for once, catch up on the Daily Show, sleep?